TYPE 1 VW BUG Sedan catalog numbers: (Note: We have NO panels to fit the Bug conv.)
SK-111 ------- 67 & earlier VW Bugs SK-112 ------- 68 & 69 VW Bugs SK-113 ------- 70-77 VW Bugs
Product Application Notes
Year Differences:
1. Type 1(bug)- VW raised the underside dash area in "68" which requires a slightly larger panel for the later years. 68-69 added a bulkhead reinforcement, then changed the reinforcement shape in 70 and up.
1. Type 1(bug) - Has a reinforcement panel which covers the entire kick panel area from floor to under dash. Mounting speakers out from the reinforcing sheet metal would not leave enough pedal/foot clearance. The SK-1 series will NOT work in Conv’s.
Common installation problems:
1. Heater Vent Lever - found on 68 & 69 bugs. Is a wire-in-spring running from kick panel area to floor heater vent. By now most have rusted/frozen and have been already taken off the car. For the ones which still work, take them off and replace with a 70 or later heat duct vent which has built in operators. As there is no way to install the levers on the panels to make them look good.
2. Passenger Foot Rest Plate - With the passenger foot rest plate under the carpet, appearances are that the passenger side speaker panel is cut wrong, and will not fit in the car. The instructions have an easy solution - lift plate out, install panels, set plate back in place.
3. Hood Release Tube - 68 and earlier model bugs have a hood release tube(which has probably been bent over the years.) Our instructions tell how to drill a hole to accommodate for the tube passing through the upper speaker panel edge. This is the tube passing through the panel in the above picture.
4. No hardware complaints - The only hardware required to mount the panels are four trim screws which are packaged in the clear plastic film along with the panels. Take care to not throw the plastic packaging away with the screws still in it.
5. TECHNICAL DEPT. PHONE ASSISTANCE - Technical assistance for product and installation questions is available by calling 1-940-782-4305.